Accessing keys and values in a parsed TOML tree

Once a TOML file has been parsed, the data are available in a TomlTableRef object, which implements a tree-like structure. The Parsetoml library provides several ways to access the information encoded in the tree:

  1. Generic functions (easy)
  2. Tree traversal (complex but powerful)

TOML addresses

An address is a string which identifies the position of a key/value pair within a TOML file. Parsetoml allows to quickly retrieve the value of a key given its address, without the need of traversing the whole TOML tree.

Addresses can reference sub-tables as well as elements of table arrays: the names of nested sub-tables are separated by dots, while integer numbers within square brackets indicate elements of a table array.

As an instance, consider the following TOML table:

  name = "apple"

    color = "red"
    shape = "round"

    name = "red delicious"

    name = "granny smith"

  name = "banana"

    name = "plantain"

This TOML file contains an array of tables named fruit; the array contains two elements: an apple and a banana. Each element contains an additional array of tables, named in both cases fruit.variety: the apple element has two varieties, while the banana element has just one.

The value granny smith is associated to the key whose address is fruit[0].variety[1].name, while the value round is associated to the key fruit[0].physical.shape. Here is a commented version of the TOML file where each key/value pair has its address spelled explicitly:

  name = "apple"             # fruit[0].name

    color = "red"            # fruit[0].physical.color
    shape = "round"          # fruit[0].physical.color

    name = "red delicious"   # fruit[0].variety[0].name

    name = "granny smith"    # fruit[0].variety[1].name

  name = "banana"            # fruit[1].name

    name = "plantain"        # fruit[1].variety[0].name

Generic functions

Each of the functions listed in this section returns the value associated with the key whose address is passed in the parameters named either fullAddr or address.

procgetValueFromFullAddr(table : TomlTableRef, fullAddr : string)TomlValueRef

Looks for an element in table that matches the address fullAddr and return the corresponding value. If no match is found, a TomlValueRef object with kind TomlValueKind equal to None is returned.

procgetInt(table : TomlTableRef, address : string) → int64

Wrapper to :nim:proc::getValueFromFullAddr. if address points to an key that does not exists, or if the type of the key pointed by address is not an integer, a KeyError exception is raised.

procgetInt(table : TomlTableRef, address : string, default : int64) → int64

Wrapper to :nim:proc::getValueFromFullAddr. if the type of the key pointed by address is not an integer, a KeyError exception is raised. However, if the key does not exist, the value of default will be returned instead (i.e., no KeyError exception is raised).

procgetFloat(table : TomlTableRef, address : string) → float64

Wrapper to :nim:proc::getValueFromFullAddr. if address points to an key that does not exists, or if the type of the key pointed by address is not a floating point value, a KeyError exception is raised.

procgetFloat(table : TomlTableRef, address : string, default : float64) → float64

Wrapper to :nim:proc::getValueFromFullAddr. if the type of the key pointed by address is not a floating point value, a KeyError exception is raised. However, if the key does not exist, the value of default will be returned instead (i.e., no KeyError exception is raised).

procgetBool(table : TomlTableRef, address : string) → bool

Wrapper to :nim:proc::getValueFromFullAddr. if address points to an key that does not exists, or if the type of the key pointed by address is not a Boolean, a KeyError exception is raised.

procgetBool(table : TomlTableRef, address : string, default : bool) → bool

Wrapper to :nim:proc::getValueFromFullAddr. if the type of the key pointed by address is not a Boolean, a KeyError exception is raised. However, if the key does not exist, the value of default will be returned instead (i.e., no KeyError exception is raised).

procgetString(table : TomlTableRef, address : string) → string

Wrapper to :nim:proc::getValueFromFullAddr. if address points to an key that does not exists, or if the type of the key pointed by address is not a string, a KeyError exception is raised.

procgetString(table : TomlTableRef, address : string, default : string) → string

Wrapper to :nim:proc::getValueFromFullAddr. if the type of the key pointed by address is not a string, a KeyError exception is raised. However, if the key does not exist, the value of default will be returned instead (i.e., no KeyError exception is raised).

procgetDateTime(table : TomlTableRef, address : string) → parsetoml.TomlDateTime

Wrapper to :nim:proc::getValueFromFullAddr. if address points to an key that does not exists, or if the type of the key pointed by address is not a date/time, a KeyError exception is raised.

procgetDateTime(table : TomlTableRef, address : string, default : parsetoml.TomlDateTime) → parsetoml.TomlDateTime

Wrapper to :nim:proc::getValueFromFullAddr. if the type of the key pointed by address is not a date/time, a KeyError exception is raised. However, if the key does not exist, the value of default will be returned instead (i.e., no KeyError exception is raised).

Tree traversal

It is possible to directly access the fields of a TomlTableRef to perform a tree traversal of the data structure. The implementation of the dump() procedure is extremely interesting in this respect:

proc dump*(table : TomlTableRef, indentLevel : int = 0) =
    let space = spaces(indentLevel)
    for key, val in pairs(table):
        if val.kind == TomlValueKind.Table:
            echo space & key & " = table"
            dump(val.tableVal, indentLevel + 4)
        elif (val.kind == TomlValueKind.Array and
              val.arrayVal[0].kind == TomlValueKind.Table):
            for idx, val in val.arrayVal:
                echo space & key & "[" & $idx & "] = table"
                dump(val.tableVal, indentLevel + 4)
            echo space & key & " = " & $(val[])